Second Photoshoot! (Modeling)

4 Photographers
4 Models
Cameras ready and we're on the shoot. =)  
Went to a photoshoot with Barn~Justin~Jimmy(Photographers) & Joanna~Deirdre~Elaine~WaiJin

To be honest, before i arrive at the park i was kinda nervous. Since it was my first time shooting Models. I knew i would be crappy. N also the only person i knew there was Barn and Justin and of cause my cousin Joanna. As for Jimmy, Wai Jin, Deirdre and Elaine we only talked on the internet. So yea.

Was also afraid there would be lots of awkward moments. But surprisingly, it turn our well, awesome actually. All of them were really friendly people and easy going. =)

And we were also kinda lucky. Weather was sunny, good lighting but also it was kinda hot. And the grass wasn't wet. Also the place isn't pack with people.

For the pictures. Just go ahead and click this. =) Facebook or Flickr    

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